Renal Conditions

Vesicoureteral reflux

This is the backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter, which is divided into 2 types.

– The backflow of urine predisposes children to recurrent infections which can later lead to renal scarring.

– If left untreated, it is a risk factor for later developing progressive chronic kidney disease and hypertension


Primary VUR

This is the most common type, which occurs due to a congenital defect in the vesicoureteral junction

– This defect causes the ureters to enter the bladder in a more perpendicular fashion

– This reduces the length of the ureter in the wall of the bladder meaning that the vesicoureteral junction cannot function adequately.

– This means that urine can flow backwards in the ureter leading to complications

– This usually resolves with age

Secondary VUR

This where the cause of backflow is due to some point in the urinary tract other than the VUJ:

– This includes causes such as urethral obstruction, UTI causing inflammation of the urinary tract or a neuropathic bladder


– Presents as multiple recurrent UTIs at a young age

– This gives abdominal pain, dysuria and frequency


Micturating cystourethrogram shows urine backflow into ureters

– Grade I –> Reflux into ureter only without dilatation of ureter

– Grade II –> Reflux into renal pelvis, no dilatation

– Grade III –> Mild dilatation of urinary tissue

– Grade IV –> Dilation of the kidney with some tortuosity of ureter

– Grade V –> Severe dilation with ureteral tortuosity

vesicoureteral reflux


– 1st line is conservative –> fluid intake, regular voiding, complete bladder emptying, avoid constipation

– 2nd line is medical –> antibiotic prophylaxis (trimethoprim)

– 3rd line is surgical approaches to repair the VUJ

Wilm’s tumour (Nephroblastoma)

This is a malignant kidney tumour of the young renal tubules and kidney cells – it is the most common abdominal malignancy in children, presenting usually around the age of 3.

– Classic Wilms tumour gives a 3-component appearance in histology –> stromal, epithelia and blastemal

– In children <1, this is called a metanephric blastema


Most cases are sporadic, but it is also associated with hereditary disorders:

Hereditary Disorders

WAGR syndrome:

– Wilms tumour, Aniridia (absence of iris), Genital problems, Mental disabilities

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome:

– Wilms tumour + Organomegaly due to mutations in IGF-2

Denys-Drash syndrome:

– Wilms tumour + Renal glomerulonephritis + male pseudohermaphrotidism


– Similar to adults (Triad of painless haematuria, loin mass and lumbar pain)

Weight loss/failure to thrive + enlarged kidneys


Nephrectomy to remove the affected kidney

Potter’s sequence

This is a complication which occurs due to severe oligohydramnios in the uterus which affects foetal development

– This usually occurs due to problems with the fetus’ kidneys, which reduces foetal urine production

– This reduces the level of amniotic fluid in the uterus, reducing the space in the amniotic sac

– The lack of cushioning fluid results in foetal compression giving deformities

– This amniotic fluid urine is also essential for foetal lung development. Without urine production, it leads to underdeveloped lungs, leading to respiratory failure shortly after birth


Bilateral renal agenesis, Bilateral MCDK, obstructive uropathy


– Lung deformities –> Pulmonary hypoplasia giving respiratory failure

– Facial deformities –> low-set ears, parrot beak nose, prominent epicanthic folds

– Organ deformities –> anal atresia, absence of rectum/colon, diaphragmatic hernia

– Limb deformities –> clubbed feet


Very difficult to treat. Baby is usually stillborn or will die soon due to respiratory failure


This is the involuntary discharge of urine in a child older than the age of 5 years

– Whilst it is common, less than 10% of the bedwetting cases have a pathological medical cause, and most of the time children grow out of this pattern of behaviour with training as they get older

– Primary enuresis is for cases where the child never achieved continence, whereas secondary enuresis is used in cases where the child had achieved continence for at least 6 months

Primary enuresis

This is the involuntary of discharge of urine in a child who never achieved continence.

– This is divided into two types, nocturnal enuresis, or enuresis at night with daytime symptoms

i) Primary Nocturnal Enuresis:

Commonly, referred to as bedwetting, the child is dry during the day but involuntarily passes urine during sleep.

– This is most likely to be due to behavioural, such as the child not using the toilet before bed. However, it can be due to biological causes too.


– Behavioural –> drinking water before bed, not emptying bladder before bed

– Sleep arousal difficulties –> inability to wake to noise or sensation of a full bladder

– Bladder dysfunction -> small capacity or overactive bladder


– Presents as bedwetting at night


– Reward systems (star charts) – given for good behaviour like using toilet before bed to train good habits

– 1st line is enuresis alarm. This senses moisture in the nappy and will wake the child up if moisture detected

– if unresolving, then can try desmopressin (ADH analogue) which reduces urine production

– If persistent after 2 treatment courses –> refer to enuresis clinic for specialist input

ii) Primary enuresis with daytime symptoms

– This is the involuntary of discharge of urine in a child during the night and daytime

– It is usually due to disorders of the lower urinary tract which require further investigation


– Overactive bladder, structural abnormalities

– Neurological disorders (e.g., neurogenic bladder due to spinal dysraphism)


Bedwetting at night and daytime wetting, urgency, frequency, dysuria

– If neuropathic bladder –> gives distended bladder, spinal malformations, neurological symptoms

– If ectopic ureter –> constant dribbling, child always damp

– Increases risk of UTI –> dysuria, frequency, urgency


Urinalysis to rule out UTI


Refer to specialist for further investigation

Secondary Enuresis

This is the involuntary passing of urine in children >5 who had achieved continence before for 6 months

– This is more likely to be due to an acute problem, such as UTI or a change in the family situation


– Medical –> Diabetes, UTI,

– Behavioural –> family problems, psychological problems


– Urinalysis to check for infection


– Manage the underlying cause

Urinary Tract infection

This is a general term which describes a bacterial infection anywhere of the urinary tract.

– UTI is more common in boys until 3 months age (due to congenital problems) but then become more prevalent in girls above this age.

– A recurrent UTI is having 3 or more episodes of lower UTI or 2 or more of upper UTI

– Like adults, the most common causative organism is E. Coli

Risk Factors:

– Vesicoureteral reflux –> this is the most common abnormality in children with recurrent UTI

– Female –> they have a less vertical urethra making bacterial travel easier. In addition, poor wiping technique (not wiping from front to back) may exacerbate this further

– Decreased urine flow –> due to incomplete emptying, neuropathic bladder or obstructions within the urinary tract

– Higher bacterial growth –> due to type I diabetes


As children get older, the symptoms will become more specific

– General symptoms –> fever, irritability, inability to feed

– Triad of dysuria (pain urinating), frequency and urgency

– Vomiting and loin/suprapubic pain

– Could present with an isolated fever


– Urine dipstick

– Urine culture –> this is needed if child is <3 months, suspected upper UTI or no response to antibiotics

urinary tract infections


– If age < 3 months –> refer paediatrician

– If > 3months with upper UTI –> give cephalosporin/co-amoxiclav for 7-10 days

– If > 3months with lower UTI –> give cephalosporin/amoxicillin/trimethoprim/nitrofurantoin for 3 days

Recurrent UTIs - Further Investigations

N.B. It is important to check for underlying causes as healthy children should not get recurrent UTIs:

–  If <6 months –> ultrasound within 6 weeks for 1st UTI. (If recurrent, then US during infection, then DMSA after)

– If >6 months –> no investigation for 1st UTI. (If recurrent, then US within 6 weeks and then DMSA)

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