In2Med - The best free notes for medical students

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Medicine notes

Check out my collection of free medicine notes to help you ace your medical school exams. Just click on a topic to start learning today!






Clinical Examinations

Have a look through my collection of clinical examination summaries to help you ace your medical school OSCEs. And what’s more, they are completely free! Just click on a topic to start learning today.




Peripheral Vascular

Diabetic Foot


Learning the pharmacology is one of the hardest parts of medical school. Check out my notes on pharmacology – click on each topic to learn about mechanisms of action, uses and side effects of each drug class.

My Story

Dr Ankit Chadha

“Hey, I’m Ankit Chadha, a junior doctor working in London and founder of In2Med, an online portal for medical students.

The idea behind In2Med started whilst I was studying medicine at the University of Cambridge, as I was overwhelmed by how many different resources there were to study medicine. I wanted to create free resource place where any medical student could go to find the information they needed to study medicine and pass their exams, reducing the anxiety that we all shared.

Since then, In2Med has been used by over 10000 students. I’ve written a set of comprehensive medicine notes, OSCE summaries, clinical cases and much more. I hope you find them useful.

If you want to learn even more about me and how I got started, there’s a whole page here

Check out my brand new revision guide 

Ace your medical exams with The Revision Guide to Core Clinical Medicine!

If you've found my notes useful, you'll love my latest creation: a powerhouse revision guide crafted specifically for medical students.

This indispensable resource covers the essentials of eight core specialties, guiding you through everything from pharmacology and investigations to nailing down diagnoses and managing conditions

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